DRT XV1s Vs Orpheus Vs Shelter Harmony Vs 47 Labs

Hello. I am wondering if anyone can provide some recommendations on the cart's listed above, (I know that's a lot)? I currently am running an Ortofon Jubilee on a Graham Phantom with a TW Acustic Raven AC turntable and Tron 7 phono stage.

I can get a relatively reasonable price on the Dynavector, Transfiguration 47 Labs and Shelter but of course, have heard none of them. I suppose my only restriction is it must be low output as my phono stage requires it and I'm not interested in changing it, (about .2 to .7 mV).

I am looking for something that ideally has a full harmonically complete sound, (not overly warm but real sounding), with a good sounstage and very good dynamics.

I mainly listen to Jazz and contemporary music, (British Sea Power, The Mountain Goats, Spoon, Arcade Fire, etc...), with a little bit of Classical.

My system is posted and thank you in advance for your thoughts.


Showing 2 responses by rauliruegas

Dear bryan: I don't hear ( yet ) that Shelter but the other ones including the Ortofon.

The spontaneus advise ( it is too easy to recomended it due to its high quality performance ) according your needs and hardware you own is the Dyna XV-1, you just can't go wrong with it.
Other very good alternative could be the own Ortofon MC 5000 or if you can find ( second hand ) the great 7500.

Regards and enjoy the music.