Dreamin' of streamin'

I am hoping to tap into your experience and knowledge as veteran streamers. I am currently streaming from a stock Acer laptop through a Schiit Modi 3 DAC, into an Arcam 850 and out through Wharfedale Linton Heritage Anniversary speakers. It seems that the laptop could be replaced with a dedicated streamer, enhancing the listening experience.

I have about 5,000 albums that I access with Itunes on the laptop. I also currently listen to Sirius XM, Amazon Music, some music podcasts, and some small town radio stations that I cannot find on TuneIn Radio. I am planning to subscribe to Qobuz, not initially as a replacement, but as a supplement to these sources.

I tried a Rose 250A, but was unable to access podcasts, Sirius, Amazon,and several radio stations.

Does a box exist that will access all these sources? Dream solution would display album art for song currently playing, at least for albums on hard drive.

If I need to stay with a computer, is there a better computer/soundcard for listening?

As a secondary query, do you have suggestions for a music player (with the ability to create playlists) to replace Itunes?

Thank you again


Showing 1 response by mahler123

I streamed for years using a MacBook Air laptop with Audirvana Plus.  . Dedicated streamers work better, but for the sake of argument, a streamer is just a computer that is made to look like an audio component, and has a limited OS.  CD players also fit that description.

  Why are you moving from a PC to a streamer?  Sound?  Ease of convenience?  The answers to that question will help guide recommendations, along with the budget.

  One issue will be the 5K albums you referenced.  Are they stored on a separate HD?  Are they in mp3 or the Apple equivalent?