Dr, Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

I find I gave two competing personalities when listening to my Stereo.  There’s Dr. Jekyll who loves music and is thrilled by great music in great sound.  Then there is my alter ego, Mr. Hyde, who scrutinizes every little sound emanating from the speakers and looks for something to criticize.  Mr Hyde only listens to the music to hear what it can give him sonically. These two characters are at war in me until one wins out and I can go on with my listening session.

How about you?


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Yep! The worst thing that happened to me was that I learned how to listen to ’audio effects’ i.e. the cause/effect of imaging and frequency response. Hard to get off that train. One really needs to get a substitute. Exploring music I’ve never heard and ignoring claims of merchants and the ’experience’ of other ’audiophiles’ has helped a lot. Lots of DIY - if I can’t do it it doesn’t get done now. :-)