Dr. Feickert Blackbird

I want to get some opinions. I am currently saving for my end-all analog source. I have been lusting after the Blackbird for a year now. I keep trying to talk myself out of it, but keep coming back. Love the classic turntable look, the reviews, and especially 2 arms. If I am only going to have one table, I want 2 arms. I still have time, as I'm not half way to my $$ goal for a the table and first arm.

Is there better or equal performer for at or under that price without losing that classic turntable look? 


Showing 3 responses by karl_desch

I use both a Kuzma 4P9 and a vintage FR-64S.  This is my 2 arm combo because it lets me use a wide variety of cartridges from low to medium compliance. The arms have subtle differences in their sound with the Kuzma having higher resolution and clarity and the FR-64S slightly deeper bass definition. The 4P9 is my favorite arm with Ortofon, Lyra and SoundSmith carts.

I am currently demoing a rigid belt drive DC motor system from Galibier, similar to the one used in the Stabi R against my turntables well executed thread drive with an AC motor pod.  Their seems to be a subtle but significant difference with the DC/rigid belt bringing the music forward into the room and sounding a bit more dynamic and Idler like and the AC/thread being a more "silky smooth" sounding drive.     

This all a roundabout way of saying that you should check out a Kuzma Stabi R with a 4P9.  


Since all listeners approach playback from their own perspective and goals there are many many different ways to skin the audio cat.  To @mijostyn the focus seems to be on an vibration isolated table with a dustcover, flat clean record, mid compliance cartridge and medium weight tonearm.  I'm sure there are other goals too. Others love the sound of their vintage idler turntables and SME 3012s because at the end of the day, they like what they are hearing. 

It seems a bit silly to debate the right or wrong of the minutiae here, especially when it comes down to preference for a multi-arm system or stereo versus mono carts. Its more important to characterize what these differences sound like or do for a listeners system. For example, the ViV labs arm violates many dogmatic rules of tonearm design yet sounds great to many experienced ears when set up right and matched with an appropriate cartridge.  How does it sound differently than a linear tracker or a 14" Kuzma 4P?  

The OP is interested in a two tonearm system which will restrict the TT selection to those that can pull that off well.  The Kuzma Stabi R is one of them.  There are many others including the Fieckert, Micro Seiki, TechDas, Galibier, and CSPort.  As I said above, having multiple cart-arm combos ready to go is valued by listeners who like to change flavors based on listening moods. Its not about right or wrong.

It all gets very tricky when the experienced among us have strong experiences with change from one design to another. I'm sure @mijostyn and @elliottbnewcombjr opinions' are refined after many years of experimenting.  They have just come to different conclusions, like we all do. My closest audio buddy uses vintage Marantz tube gear (7c, 8b, 10b), a Rega P10, Nordost cable and Nola speakers.  Sounds amazing and I enjoy listening to his system.  But there is no way would I try to replicate his system in my house. Except that 10b Tuner, I love that thing so I bought one. 

We may all want to hear what is actually on the recording but at the same time we listen for different things. 



Interesting story @edgyhassle.  I think that is very similar to my friend who inherited the Marantz gear when his father passed away. No way would he get rid of those pieces as they have meaning for him.  He often says that he cant believe how the performance of these 60 year old amps continue to be pushed forward by tweaks and upstream changes.  Just like your Klipsh. Keep pushing them!

@mijostyn I think we are mostly on the same page and what I didnt say before is that having a strong opinion is also just fine with me.  Makes the forums interesting.  Also, I do think its important to listen with other people who understand what you are trying to achieve in your system, Or at least can describe if they hear what you hear.  It's all very complicated.  When a good dealer can do this, it is amazing.