Downsized and still happy, can it happen?

I would like to hear from those who have moved from separates to an integrated amp in their system and your experience in doing so. Any buyers remorse in selling the separates? Are you still running the integrated or now considering separates again? Do you still get the same level of satisfaction from the system? Which pre/power amp did you have and what integrated replaced them?

Lately I find myself constantly considering and researching high quality integrated amps and admiring them for the all in one solution. I have all these components, powercords, conditioners and interconnects that I could unload and then replace with fewer higher quality versions. That is pretty much what is driving me into this little sidebar consideration.

Showing 1 response by jb8312

Hi…I love this topic….

8 years ago I had a 9 component set up (separate monos, pre, power conditioner, DAC, Transport, Correction engine, speakers & sub). I now have an integrated, CD and a pair of speakers. I do not regret the transformation in any way and the sacrifice in sound quality is negligible. I have not shirked my love for audio in this process at all, in fact I have become a reviewer for positive-feedback and as a result get to listen to a lot of cool stuff and even then I do not feel pulled to return to the mega-set-up. I have reviewed several integrateds before I settled on the Edge G3….

If you do it right a smaller equipment set up is very satisfying. This is not to be confused with a cheaper set up, good sound CAN still be expensive….but as with a mega-set-up it doesn’t need to be…

I think you can be very happy with a modest set up, John Brazier