Downsize my HT advice House to Apt.......

A move to a small apartment is forcing my sale of a pair of Martin Logan SL-3's and a Logos center. It has also re-fired my stereo bug! I have a Sunfire cinema grand amp and Theater II pre-amp. I am going to keep my Sunfire Sig Sub. My budget is probably less than $3000 for the new speakers.

Has anyone found a good match for the Sunfire amp,pre-amp that will serve 70% HT and 30% 2 ch stereo? Also any advice on some mid level XLR connectors between the sunfire equip, I have a random collection of interconnects now!

Looked at B&W, Sonus Faber, Dynaudio etc.... any hidden gems. Is my amp suitable for the Vonschweikert 4 jr's should I blow my budget?

Really appreciate your help and thoughts
Maybe it's time to just go with a higher end 2 channel rig and watch your movies in 2.1 (just make sure you pick Dolby Digital 5.1 or 2.0 and not the DTS soundtrack as the center channel in DTS is dedicated more for the dialogue than DD) I'm sure that you are looking at a rig that is better than mine but I have been more than happy with all movies on my system and really don't miss that occasional sound of rain in the background...I do get some sense of surround sound however just due to my speaker placement. I am going to be relocating to a condo in the "city" and couldn't imagine trying to get a good HT rig going in the spaces that most apts/condos offer...I'm even making the layout for 2 channel sound a priority which although is even more simple, is still a tough call with the floorplans I'm seeing.

just my 2c

The Sat-5 and Magnepan recommendations above sound very good. Magnepans need a lot of power which you do have.
Another option, if you are keeping the Sunfire Sig. Sub, is to get 5 Gallo Acoustics Due's. You can probably make a deal and get them all for $3K. However, this will leave you with no funds left for cables. They are also designed to go on the wall and have a wide dispersion due to their CDT tweeter.
If space is a premium, look for speakers that can be placed against a wall or on a book shelf with no adverse effects.

I can't say that my soliloquy sat-5's are in the same ball park as my coincident conquests. However, they are not ported and were designed to go on a wall/bookshelf. 5 of these for home theater with a 400 watt velodyne made me happy and please the wife.

There are plenty of other speakers designed for tighter space like thiel pointsource or kef or vienna acoutics.
If space is at a premium, it's worth considering the new Magnepan HT speakers. They might not be up to the task for 2 channel, when compared to something like the VR4jr, but they certainly seem to be a problem solver for HT in an apt. I've always been amazed how good their lower priced speakers are for the money...Cheers,