Downloaded 3000 CD's To External Hard Drive

Finally....I have my cd's scattered over three computers, two cars and two storage units, and now I want them all together on one unit (4tb SeaGate)

I use JRiver....are there any special setting I should use BEFORE I spend three weekends loading them? I would like to have the release date attached instead of just the year it came out.

Any help or suggestion would be greatly appreciated.

Showing 3 responses by paul_graham

I just went to the website....this is EXACTLY what I was looking for. You (a total stranger to me) just helped my whole music experience thing. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
Larry....points well taken. I will want to do a lot of editing, but I can do some of that while it's being ripped. Sub-genres will be helpful and I'll want to use "release date" instead of just the "year". Feeding my neurosis comes with a heavy price sometimes.... I have three monitors, so I can actually do some work at the same time. I can sit in my office and watch The Masters while I'm doing this.