Some lovely additional input from veroguy; thank you! Your post strikes me as indicating you are a no-nonsense sort of fellow. This is also good input to share about class D use with another brand.
One thing I noticed is that you seem to prefer the all copper Schroeder Method Acoustic BBQ IC to the standard silver/copper Signal Cable IC. That's not surprising to me. I happen to be using a silver/copper mix in my "internal" speaker wiring for the PureAudioProject Trio15 Horn 1, and I like the result. Ironically, this thin stranded wiring is from Radio Shack! I had a spool of it sitting for about, what, 6-7 years since they went defunct and decided to try it on the PAP. Works well, I suspect because of the silver/copper mix. But, I really do need to try a heavy gauge copper cable, maybe 10 AWG to see if that does better. I suspect it would.
The good news regarding class D use is helpful for me, because I was hoping to do comparison between an active X-over rig with six channels of amplification versus a passive X-over setup with two channels (stereo or monos) with tri-wiring. I would like to use all Schroeder Method ICs in that comparison. This would involve the Legacy Audio Whisper DSW Clarity Edition custom speakers that can be switched between both modes. I did the review a while back for (BTW, one of my conclusions was that I could make either passive or active speaker setup superior depending upon the complexion of the entire system. But, in an apples to apples comparison, i.e. amps, active x-over was superior).
I already have gotten familiarity with the two channel and tri-wiring the Whisper speakers, but was holding back on Schroeder Method with the active x-over and 6 channel of class D setup because of concerns voiced to me about it from industry members. Now, it seems that the momentum is building to conclude that Schroeder Method is benign to Class D. I am still not willing to go promote it as universally benign (erring on the side of caution), but I am encouraged by the feedback!