
Start any post and you will see double of that!

Ain't that a cool new feature?


Showing 4 responses by riley804

i had mentioned this to tammy a week ago and they have a meeting today and she is going to let the developers know about it



i totally agree with you regarding the developers on this site .


you have no idea on how many emails i have sent back and forth with tammy regarding issues on this site and am then told that the developers don’t have time to fix it or it’s not important.

have you tried to send a member a pm lately?            let me tell you if you haven’t, it can be frustrating as the developers have done something and words are filtered, so when you read a message from another member, you see [filtered] and have to guess what word was not allowed.     this has been a issue for a while now and still not fixed.         

the developers create these issues but then don’t know how to fix them.



it doesn’t matter if you edit or not


if you go to the unanswered section, you will see it there also