Done selling on eBay, they are demanding my social security number to sell

They are forcing everyone into what they call "Managed payments" that requires  you to give them bank account information and your social security number. Looks like I'll be selling here from now on. I know I gave it to PayPal years ago so they have it, but I'm done giving it out. I called and the rep told me they are legally required to have it in order for me to sell. That is a load of crap.

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It appears that all of the interweb transaction companies are being hounded by the I.R.S to comply with  their new demands - this site included.

I closed my membership on this site because PP and Audiogon require defining one's self as a merchant,  a business.  I returned only because other sites for selling or buying good equipment suck - especially eBay.  You cannot even list an item COD here because of the new stipulations.  Ridiculous.