Done buying new vinyl

Just bought a few albums recommended by a mag. Party by Aldous Harding and Beautiful Jazz by Christian Jacobs. The first has that slight buzzing distortion and dirty noise in one channel for the entire recording. The second has a two small clicks every revolution thru most of a side. The recording quality of the first varies from song to song. From very good to fair. But mostly dull with processing. The second is an AAA recording and is fair at best. Recorded too low and too muffled with flattened soundstage and dynamics. I have hundreds of 60s jazz and blues records that trounce these.
Should I send them back to Amazon?


Showing 3 responses by bdp24

Do I have the numbers, realthing? In my post above, it was I asking you for the data to support your statement "all (?) modern source material being digitally recorded/mastered". Remember, I did NOT say your statement is false. I myself have never seen the data that supports or refutes your statement. Do YOU have the numbers?
"all (?) modern source material being digitally recorded/mastered". The "(?)" is well-deserved. Who says "all" modern source material is digitally recorded/mastered?
This is why guys like Michael Fremer are so valuable---he regularly reports on the sound of new pressings, of albums both new and old. On new pressings of re-issued old albums, he often compares the new pressing to an original, when possible. Of course, he can only get to a limited number of them per month on his website. An ongoing thread here, with reports from consumers specifically on the sound of newly-released LP's, would be great.