Don't you love it when this happens?

I was just picking through a stack of records I hadn't listened to for a while and randomly pulled out Branford Marsalis' 1989 double album, "Trio Jeepy" featuring Jeff Tain Waits on Drums and Milt Hinton on Bass. A terrific record, well recorded, beautifully played, absolutely listenable, and just a pleasure to re-discover lying around in my own family room.

Showing 2 responses by dodgealum

Love "Jeepy". One of the best recorded acoustic bass LP's in my view. Very spontaneous feel for a studio album. I love the way Marsalis steps/swings away from the microphone occasionally--seems like the three of them are just having a blast. Some really good drum riffs too. Thanks for mentioning it I'm going downstairs to play it through.
The title track on the Lyle LP is fantastic. Very immediate sound with a vivid set of lyrics sung brilliantly. The whole album is just great. Enjoy!