Don’t buy used McCormack DNA 1990s amps

This is a public service announcement.  There are some yahoos on other sites selling 1990s McCormack DNA amps, sometimes at ridiculous prices.  While they’re great amps, and I happily owned a DNA 0.5 RevA for 20 years, they’re all gonna fatally fail.  Why?  Because their input board is at the end of its useful life, and when it fails your amp is dead and not repairable by anyone — not even SMcAudio.  It’s a boat anchor.  The only option is to sell it for scraps or get an SMcAudio upgrade that’ll cost around $2000.  Given my love of my amp I chose to do full upgrades given what else I could’ve gotten for the same same price and just got it back and will forward thoughts if anyone cares.  But the purpose of this post is to warn off any prospective buyers of a circa 1990s DNA amp that it’ll fatally fail soon, so unless you get a great price and plan on doing the SMcAudio upgrades just avoid these amps on the used market.  You’ve been warned. 


Showing 2 responses by rubicon15

This has been an interesting thread to say the least. It appears fishagedone’s experience was accurate. However, a bit vague in the beginning. I am so tired of reading Soix’s condescending and judgmental posts. @ram360j is another example in a long list of many. On the positive side, Steve stepped up and corrected S. Of course, after that, S had to save face and attack fishagedone. 

Unfortunately, a third party agent was the real culprit not SMC. Not to mention, fishagedone setting the record straight in his last post. In the end, it all worked out for fishagedone. He was able to establish a relationship with SMC without using a third party agent. That’s the real purpose of the forum. 

I’ve been a long time owner of CJ. In fact, I still have a fully functional DV-2b. I’m wondering if Steve designed this unit back in the day. CJ doesn’t have any information on the player. Unfortunately, it may become an anchor when it dies. 

@Soix I always find it helpful to ask clarifying questions before sticking my foot in my mouth… You certainly didn’t hurt my feelings. Obviously, I’m tired of reading your crap. Personally, I’d be embarrassed if I were you. Didn’t you announce you were leaving this forum some time ago. Hope that didn’t hurt your feelings.