Don Sachs DS2 vs Wells Audio Commander

Hey folks,

Has anyone compared the Don Sachs DS2 to the Wells Audio Commander level one?
@soix Have a better recommendation for a tube preamp with HT Bypass + 2-3 outputs in a similar price point?
No.  I’d bring up the LTA MZ2 with upgraded power supply (not better just different) but it doesn’t have an HT bypass — don’t think Sachs offers one either though.  Not hard to live without HT bypass IME.
Love that LTA – beautiful. My Don Sachs does have an HT Bypass, but he no longer offers them.
With that pre why are you even looking around? The Sachs seems like an end-game level preamp — at least IMHO — unless you’re willing/able to spend $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
I'm quite fond of the DS2. The only complaint I have is there is an audible noise floor if I put my head up to the speakers. Which really is a non-issue.

The reason I'm curious about the Commander is that I had both a Don Sachs KT88 (MSRP $3800) and Wells Audio Innamorata II (MSRP $7000), and the Wells Audio barely edged out the Don Sachs.

It misses some the tube magic – for sure – but it is slightly more articulate without being fatiguing. And since it's solid state, I can leave it on during the day without concern of burning out tubes.

So I've thought of the Wells Audio Commander for a while, and I'm not sure if there's really a benefit to moving to the Commander / another preamp... of if yes, I am at the inflection point of diminishing returns with my current setup.