Dolby Atmos: does it do anything for two-channel reproduction?

I noticed that more and more of my downloads from Apple Music show the Dolby Atmos logo next to "lossless". But I cannot really hear any obvious difference on my two-channel system. Would I need a special decoder? I don't know if there are any besides the one reviewed in the current Stereophile issue (which costs a bundle). And if I had such a decoder, would it add anything to two-channel reproduction (such as adding spatial information), or is it designed strictly for multi-channel reproduction such as home-theater?



Showing 1 response by mm1tt77

Hi OP - I have a HT set up and that shares the space and some equipment with my 2 channel space.  Atmos via Apple or another streaming service isn’t designed to provide a benefit into a 2 channel set up.  As a previous poster mentions, it does make sense via headphone potentially but not in a 2 channel set up.  

I would only look into Atmos for music if you wanted a HT set up with a speaker configuration and equipment that supports Atmos.

For music listening I prefer my 2 channel set up vs Atmos via my Anthem MRX-1140 HT receiver driving my Atmos speakers.  I find Atmos via my HT set up to be a novelty, some songs can be really immersive but from a sound quality standpoint, 2 channel is far better, your mileage may vary.

Again, to recap - unless you want a HT Atmos set up, receiver / speakers there isn’t a benefit, point to adding a HT Receiver to decode Atmos.  Without the extra speakers, you won’t hear the intended differences from stereo recordings.