Dogs who love music

Does anyone else's dog have particular tastes in music? My great dane LOVES beethoven, likes tchaikovsky, does not like saint saen or most rock, and seems indifferent to mozart. He'll actually come in from another room and plop down right in front of the left speaker if it's something he likes (even if it's played REALLY loud!).

Showing 2 responses by musicdoc

The only sound that seems to be music to my dog's ears is the "sweet rhapsody" of Pro Plan Lamb and Rice Formula hitting her metal dog dish!
J_thunders, does your "chowhound" pup happen to be an AmStaff? Mine has a whole different set of priorities than does my ex-girlfriend's Lab/Rotweiler mix. He actually pays attention to things (TV, music) while she has the priorities of an insatiable appetite for affection/attention, eating, sleeping, pooping, rolling in other animal's poop, and barking (not necessarily in that order).

I'll try the "nature sounds" thing to freak her out :-)