Does Your System Sound Like the Real Thing?

I don't mean close, or it's pretty good at suggesting, or if you close your eyes and really, really concentrate. I'm asking whether your system is indistinguishable from live performances.

If the answer is yes, then congratulations! If the answer is no, do you even think it's possible? And if you do think it's possible, how far are you willing to go?

Showing 1 response by timf

Real thing? Yes. My system sounds like crappy midfi. Most of the time I am pretty happy when I hear more of a recording than I had previously heard over years of listening. To me this seems to be some of the value I have gotten from my purchases. I would say in my experience the degree to which music has sounded like the real thing- voices, instruments has almost totally depended on the recording and my ability to descern what sounds true to life.