Does using XLR cables (double voltage output) mean I can use lower powered amplifiers?


Does using XLR cables (at 4V output from most dacs) vs RCA cables (with 2V output) mean that I have doubled the gain hence I only need half the power from amplifiers?

Just as a background I am looking for tube amplifers which typically are less powerful compared to solid state amplifiers. So I was wondering if using XLR connection rather than RCA mean that I can venture into lower powered amplifiers?

Or does the voltage input from the dac not matter/affect the power that a amplifier needs to drive the speakers?



Showing 2 responses by millercarbon

MC, you should change your avatar to a little knitted black and white bear with pins stuck in it…

A Panda would be China. The creature you are trying to evoke is Xi, aka Winnie the Pooh. Get your insults straight please, or don't bother.

Fascinating. If you wear lifts in your shoes (at twice the gas pedal travel) does that mean you have double the horsepower?