Does Technology Trump Quality?

Would you select:

A) Two speakers with radically different technology (i.e. dynamic, horn, panel) at a perceived 85% performance level.


B) One speaker with a perceived 100% performance level.

Assume: The speakers in example A are half the price of the speaker in example B. All speakers represent excellent build quality and sonic performance relative to price point. No hybrids involved.

In other words, for you does Technology trump Quality, or Quality trump Technology?

I too like different technologies and have heard very good examples of several types. I currently have a pair of large dynamic speakers, the NSR Sonata D3's in my large room powered by the Wyred4Sound STI-500 Class D integrated amp. In my smaller room I have a pair of Magneplanar speakers powered by a VTL ST-85 amp that I'm currently enjoying in its triode mode (killer on vocals). My feeling is that one must try to match the speaker/amp to the room.

One of my audio friends has a nice pair of Quad 57's with Marantz 8B amp and is putting together a JBL Hartsfield for a mono, corner-horn system. I can't wait to hear it!
If it sounds good, I could care less about the tech. I enjoy reading and learning about the technical part, but that is just the icing on the cake.
I hadnt done any serious listening for awhile.5.1? gotta be better then 2.1.Technology is changing so fast.went and got the newest.Then my vios tech when high speed came to the neighbor hood told me about audio-gon.Quality is always a given. But the path for the signal is virtually the any cd units and there is not much difference in the parts.No mystery's.A pair of Kg4s with supra speaker cables with axiom passive pre.put a end to that question. expensive & never ending pull. so the answer is You can have both.having the crossover fixed.have a pair of Manchester(???)that look like a barn find,but when listening to "BE THERE"(usher demo cd)WOW Incredible sound from these speakers.Let your ears be the judge if the new technology means squat.Good luck
For most mortals, I recommend the best (quality) speakers. Money constraints need to be considered (for most mortals).
I am finally "there" although I know that my speakers/system don't do everything well, that is, reproduce every genre/recording as if the performers are in my room breathing and living and playing and singing. But, with most of the LPs and CDs I spin, I get tremendous enjoyment and the passion for our wonderful hobby endures. That's the "quality" I am after and what I recommend to all aspiring audiophiles.
The music turns me on. I've reached the horizon and I'm happy to look out at the other horizons, but I am finished with the pursuit. Just enjoying the view.
I have some audio friends who think they will have it all- great acoustic music, rock, classical. They are manic in their praises, then fall to pieces when choral voices are not reproduced, or the bassoon sounds like it is in a different room. Ain't gonna happen, unless you are one of the $gods who can reach every horizon.
Or, a good marketing agency. All they have to do is convince you.