Does Technology Trump Quality?

Would you select:

A) Two speakers with radically different technology (i.e. dynamic, horn, panel) at a perceived 85% performance level.


B) One speaker with a perceived 100% performance level.

Assume: The speakers in example A are half the price of the speaker in example B. All speakers represent excellent build quality and sonic performance relative to price point. No hybrids involved.

In other words, for you does Technology trump Quality, or Quality trump Technology?

Showing 1 response by uru975

Have never heard of this being done, and it has some built in limitations based on both price and sound.
But if you really can't decide between two speakers why not try for an in home demo using one of each and hear how that works. It would give you the tech you are looking for, though only on one speaker and vice versa.
May have some problems with the amp depending on draw, though monoblocks might make that minimal to none existent.
If it worked you could have your tech and quality too.
If it doesn't work, quality, nothing else lasts or allows one to wait for something better with so much more ease.