Does re-tipping a cartridge change specs?

I had a Benz Ace re-tipped by a professional with another micro ridge (sapphire/boron). Will that change the original specs such as internal ohms, loading range, etc?
I had my Denon DL103 re-tipped with a stylus capable of higher resolution and the cartridge stepped up to deliver a more detailed  sound and much better imaging.

The "spec" stayed the same, but there was definitely a change in performance.

Regards - Steve
 re-tipped by a professional with another micro ridge (sapphire/boron)

Sapphire or Boron ?

Looks like it was not only re-tipped, but completely re-cantilevered - right ? 

If the original cantilever was Boron and now you have Sapphire (or vice versa) this is not a re-tip. Someone refurbished your cartridge with different cantilever/stylus combo. 

Re-tipping completely ruins the original sound. Why would anyone even think to do that? How about just buying a new cartridge? 
Will that change the original specs such as internal ohms, loading range, etc?
No, the electrical characteristics of the cartridge will not change.  But it is probable that VTA, VTF will change, and the resulting sound will certainly be different than the original.  This is not necessarily a bad thing.  But IMO it won't be better if you selected a specific cartridge for a specific sound (which most of us do).