Does pin hole in woofer affect sound quality?

Hello. I own a pair of 2nd generation DCM Time Windows. I am the original owner of these incredible loud speakers. I am currently restoring my 1980's era Hi-Fi system, including the Time Windows.  After removing the grill cloth from the speakers, I noticed one of the woofers in one of the speakers has a pin hole in the diaphragm paper. How much will this affect the sound quality and response of this speaker? Should I consider replacing this woofer? Thanks!
Thank you all for the responses. It truly is just a pin hole, so maybe just some glue to keep the hole from expanding. And thank you latik for the video of the time windows, very nice sound indeed. It looks like a sub-woofer has been added to the system. Definitely something I plan to do as well. Those who know Time Windows know that they have wonderful mid-range and highs but are somewhat lacking at the bottom end due, I suppose, to the relatively small woofers. I am optimistic that an external crossover and added sub-woofer will round out the sound of the system.
No, it will not affect sound at all (assuming the pinhole doesn't grow into a quarter-sized hole).

FYI - I've build a few speakers (Siegfried Linkwitz's active Pluto design + a couple from kits) and about a few subwoofers (2 Marty Subs and 1 IB with dual 18-inch woofers)
A dab of black speaker cement from Parts Express which is used to recone speakers will work and just enough to cover the hole. I have fixed a number of tears, cat claw holes and accidents with this stuff.
NO NO NO Get rid of them NOW!!!!! and get some Wilson Audio WAMM
Master Chronosonic and be a REAL BALLER on Audiogon, glue you don't need no stupid GLUE!!!!