Does my acoustic ideology make me an outcast?

I tend to represent the younger crowd and have always found myself at odds with most Audiophiles. I like my music with heavy bass lines, thick mid bass, and sparkling highs.
Not your Andre Bose type stuff, I still believe in accurate reproduction of sound. I just believe a system should be able to mimic any thing from gunshots to whispers - with all the bandwidth and clarity it deserves.

Somehow I never heard that kind of action from a pair of 901's. So, am I the new generation kicking out the old while they cry, kick, and scream? Or could I just be the next evolution of audio..... even 8 tracks were the sh** when they came out, right?

Synesthesia Studios

Showing 2 responses by nonoise

Wonderful responses, all.

Anyone who takes seriously, a hobby, will be considered a bit odd despite the timeline. Factor in a hobby with a quest and most folk will steer clear of you.

All the best,
I haven't failed, I've just found a thousand different ways that don't work.

Can I borrow that? :-)

All the best,