Does Mc Intosh make reference gear

I have been reading the current thread here about Mc Intosh being bashed. People are saying they use cheap parts or have a 70's type of sound. I don't know the Mc line that well. Do they make a reference line? If they do why don't you ever hear about it? If they don't maybe they should. I'm sure audiophiles would give more props to Mc Intosh if they made some cutting edge products.

Showing 3 responses by glenfihi

Does McIntosh make reference gear? Sound is in the ear of the beholder. McIntosh does not make the most expensive gear, although not cheap my any means. Some equate the most expensive gear as reference level.

Being a owner of the McIntosh MA6600, I can only state that it is the best sound out of all my former and current systems. Tube or solid state. And in league with some gear I had chance to audition at fine audio salons. Gear that many may indeed rank as reference gear.

IMO they do stand out for the pack. Great sound, much appreciated features, impeccable build that lasts for years, going into decades. Not cookie cutter looks, their gear has in own distinctive look. Excellent customer service and high pride of ownership.
Does McIntosh make reference gear? Sound is in the ear of the beholder. McIntosh does not make the most expensive gear, although not cheap my any means. Some equate the most expensive gear as reference level.

Being a owner of the McIntosh MA6600, I can only state that it is the best sound out of all my former and current systems. Tube or solid state. And in league with some gear I had chance to audition at fine audio salons. Gear that many may indeed rank as reference gear.

IMO they do stand out for the pack. Great sound, much appreciated features, impeccable build that lasts for years, going into decades. Not cookie cutter looks, their gear has in own distinctive look. Excellent customer service and high pride of ownership.
Taters, I disagree with your statement. Many elements and concerns go into making a device. It would be foolish of Mc or any other maker to have a device to simply last long and not be relevant in sonics. Bryston has a twenty year warranty on amps. They an others not just make them too last, but have in mind that you would want to keep them for the long term. And would compete sonically with new products coming into the market.