Does Having the Turntable Grounded Through the Right RCA Effect Sound Quality?

I have a Thorens TD-160MKII (that I've posted about before). Does the way Thorens (and some other makers) ground through the right channel have a negative effect on sound quality? What's the advantage/disadvantage? And why do most makers seem to do it the other way with the connection going to a separate terminal on the preamp?




Showing 1 response by lewm

One difference from one installation to another is whether the audio ground is identical to chassis or AC ground.  Some designers like to place a small value resistance between audio and chassis ground, for noise abatement.  Some use an arrangement of diodes to do that, also. So, if your phono stage has a direct connection between audio and chassis ground, then apart from the freakishness of grounds in general, I don't see a reason why having a separate wire to a lug on the chassis vs incorporating it into one lead or the other audio ground would make much difference, except maybe where the quality of the connection per se might make a difference.