Does creating a loom in cables in a system make a significant difference?

I use a mix of different cables for interconnect, speaker and digital cables.  I have no complaints. The music sounds great!   I seize upon good values for superior cables from Audiogon and Audiomart US.  I'm setting up a system in another room  and I'm wondering if I should stick with one brand of cable throughout or just keep buying high quality cables regardless of brand.  I'd appreciate your thoughts.


Showing 3 responses by juanmanuelfangioii

I have always been a subscriber to continuity in cables will bring better sound.

My main system is all Zafino Cable and could not be more pleased with the sound and and performance. My secondary system is all Signal cable and I am equally satisfied with the cables and the components assembled to make this system.

I am still constructing the loom for my main system, I started with interconnects and speaker cable, now ordering power and should have the loom complete in the next few weeks. 

@yoyoyaya funny I am yet to see or hear a manufacturer recommendation for looms. I have read reviewers say they are experimenting as I have and have had some success.