Does anyone use the Silverline Audio SR 17 speakers? If so, how do you like them?

All of the reviews I've seen are 3 to 10 years old, and I almost never see them for sale used. Are people taking them with them to the grave? Are the owners staying current with updating them as the hardware changes and not selling them? I have begun re-assembling my old analog system, but in a smaller room, and I think they would be ideal. No dealers in my area that I know of (Oklahoma) so trying a pair out before buying might be difficult. Your thoughts?

Showing 1 response by peporter

I called Silverline Audio yesterday (7-5-2016) and actually spoke to Alan Yun. My question to him was about speaker placement for the SR-17s. For my room size (13 X 13 X 8) he thought between 2 and 3 feet from the rear wall and 2 feet from each side would be ideal, and no toe-in necessary. He considered the dimensions to be a mid-sized room, and thought the SR 17s would be a perfect fit. He was very excited about the latest iteration, the SR 17 Supreme. He thought the Dynaudio drivers were the best he has seen for these speakers. He does his own crossover and is justifiably proud of it. I'm In!