I moved a pair of Zu Omen MKII rev A speakers I'd been using in a second system with an Elekit TU 8233 I assembled (2a3) into my primary system MAC7200 and Graham LS5/9 (on selectable pre out -2). The Zus are set up slightly in front and outside the Grahams forming an equilateral triangle with a bit more toe in. Id intended to use the Grahams for jazz, classical, acoustic and the Zus for rock. Independently they imaged very well with a good soundstage, tone etc- It would be difficult to tell which speaker is "on" for someone not familiar with the sound of either speaker. Last night I had both on and was amazed at how musical they were together. Its like their shortcomings were minimized and there is a real synergy. it seemed to bring greater focus, more dynamics and presence and more solid foundation and a better tonal balance with both on than either by themselves. I a/b'd and a+b over and over with different tracks of all genres from Bill Evans ti Metallica and found the sum more enjoyable than the parts. From what I'd read before this wasn't supposed to be the case so I searched and found this thread. Thought Id post this experience for what its worth.
Does anyone play two pairs of speakers at the same time?
I have found that certain combinations of speaker pairs produce a better sound than the single pair alone. For example: Klipsch Quartets and PSB Image 4T (new tweeters from Vifa) Quartets inside pair and volume matched to PSBs. I have done this over the years and found some great combinations.