Does anyone play two pairs of speakers at the same time?

I have found that certain combinations of speaker pairs produce a better sound than the single pair alone. For example: Klipsch Quartets and PSB Image 4T (new tweeters from Vifa) Quartets inside pair and volume matched to PSBs. I have done this over the years and found some great combinations.

Showing 6 responses by aburnhamuu

Has anyone seen the Tekton "The perfect Set"? It has a few tweeters in each cabinet!
 I have attended many live classical musician and jazz concerts. There are many of the same instruments with different manufactures playing together at the same time creating beautiful music. I always thought a speaker for each instrument playing only that instrument in it's exact spot would be an interesting experiment. I have owned many pairs of speakers and amplifiers, I have also played up to 7 pairs of various speakers set to the same volume using a spl meter at the same time. Most combinations don't sound better than the single pairs, just different. However some pairs have sounded decidedly better in the full frequency range and on various music sources.  It's a hobby and a blast messing around. I have also been doing this for 50 years and still enjoying myself. Have fun, but remember live is best and at home it's all about the music. Stretch your ears.
Great post rocray, half of my listening is done on headphones because my wife can't take "loud" music, plus she doesn't care for classical music (this spoken 2 years ago after attending over 45 years of concerts at 8 to 12 per year) and HATES Jazz! I'm very happy she has put up with my audio insanity all these years. 
I wonder how many people think experimenting with speaker placement and volume matched multiple speakers is a bad idea have ever actually tried it? As I said previously been messing around for years and there are some truly great combos. (Yes I have SPL meters one pro and one old Radio Shack also can switch from my chair up to 7 pairs of speakers and any combination of pairs including running all seven pairs.) Have fun everyone, enjoy the music and gear in the new year!
Great! In the past I have only done large Advents stacked and some smaller stand mounts, also tweeter to tweeter. Now I'm playing my highly modified Klipsch Quartets and RF 3 lll together and enjoying the sound.