Does anyone leave their amp and preamp on all the time?

I listen most nights after work. I find that the system takes a while to warm up and sounds it's best if it has been shut off. So I leave it on. I always have and this is vintage stuff. The amp is a 25/25 Bedini class A. It stays warm but never hot. It has never caused an issue but recently I've been speaking with others that were stunned that I would do this. So let me know if I'm the only one that lets it run. Do you shut off the equipment after each session?
My Herron Audio M1 amps are on 24/7 unless I'm away for more than a couple of days.
I have a Bryston 3B-NRB power amp, more than twenty years old. The only time it’s been off in the last 7 years has been during power outages & overnight+ trips. It’s warm, but not hot. I’ve read of studio installations with Bryston gear that was powered on for over twenty years and still going strong. Bryston does have a 20 year warranty, so I’m not worried about anything bad happening to it due to it being switched on non-stop.
I leave my Aragon on all the time. Another thing to considered for solid state is that on/off cycling increases the chance of component failure. The heating and cooling accelerates metal fatigue. Electronics manufacturers will repeatedly power cycle devices to weed out early life failures. The down side is that it also shortens the life expectancy of the device. 
My Denon stays on all the time, as does my music server. The individual nodes (raspberry pi servers) are turned off. My Wyrd and Schiit Modi stay on all the time.
I know a high end dealer whose Theshold amp has been continuously running since 1978.