Does anyone leave their amp and preamp on all the time?

I listen most nights after work. I find that the system takes a while to warm up and sounds it's best if it has been shut off. So I leave it on. I always have and this is vintage stuff. The amp is a 25/25 Bedini class A. It stays warm but never hot. It has never caused an issue but recently I've been speaking with others that were stunned that I would do this. So let me know if I'm the only one that lets it run. Do you shut off the equipment after each session?

Showing 5 responses by wolf_garcia

You got it. NO worries. But Humanity is the worst thing happening to humanity, and since I like the outdoors it seems kinda sad we tossed it out. I got mine...played with Zeppelin, won some surf contests, etc, so I'm fine, and should enjoy the place reorganizing itself and the surf might get better.
No worries! We now know that any issues regarding conserving energy are no longer valid as we’ve reached the irreversible tipping point in our impact on climate. Unprecedented massive wildfires cover snow with ash that absorbs sunlight, wild animals in the warming Northeast are driven to their knees by tick infestations, trees are succumbing to disease from warming, the ice caps are melting far faster than anyone expected, reefs are dead or dying all over the globe so it’s "goodbye natural fish," the sea currents and jet stream are being effected causing massive weather changes, and coastal flooding will lead to chaos, massive migration, and unprecedented death and destruction. It’s too late to do a damn thing about it (we may have had a shot in the late 70s or so, but oil interests lobbied and lied us out of that possibility). So as wasteful as you want as it’s the sound of your gear that counts, not your children’s future.
Preamp tube wear is less when left on? That is utterly positively and absolutely not true. Also, the myth that power amps suffer from on/off power pulses might be true for poorly designed gear, but I've owned lots of amps over 5 decades and that has never been an issue.
I’ve known people who’s houses have been hit by lightening and you can kiss yer D’Agostinos goodby if that happens…I unplug stuff when gone for over a day, and during close thunderstorms.
Leaving amps on is fine, just don't tell anyone that you're a self indulgent energy waster. I leave my cars running all the time also...dangerous and wasteful but hey...they're always ready to go...fridge door is always open for easy access to food and kitchen cooling as an added bonus...go ahead...waste resources all day as the environmental downward spiral is likely unstoppable, and you'll likely be dead before the grandkids have to deal with it. Besides, If my tube amps destroy my home I can just get new stuff!