Does Age Matter?

Having read and contributed to several threads on the digital vs analog controversy I developed a nagging itch that suggested it is older people that prefer analog and younger people digital. If this is the case than there is most definitely a nostalgic element to that opinion. Perhaps we can answer that question. I will go first. Please do not ruminate on the differences. Age and preference, digital, analog or both! We'll tally the results at the end. 

I am 67 and like Both analog and digital.

Showing 3 responses by baylinor

It is stunning to me to see how many elders are giving up on vinyl because of
the physicality required to operate it. I hope I will have the physicality and drive to keep spinning vinyl well past my young age of 66. I am not about to throw in the towel to be able to spend more time sitting on my rear end. Just me.
Ultrasonic cleaning does wonders for background noise. All my 2,000 vinyl have been washed. It's part of the process and I actually love doing it. Every 9 albums I get go through the process, takes me about half an hour. Piece of cake and amazing difference, even on brand new albums. Vinyl is a love affair. Anything else is like marriage. Comfortable but not very exciting.
66 yrs young 
90% vinyl
10% CD
Still young enough not to be bothered by the extra work to play vinyl. In fact I rather enjoy it, it keeps me in shape :) plus it sounds soooooo sweet.