Does a streamer do anything to the data that Tidal provides?

I have been streaming Tidal to my HiFi for the past 4 years with a streamer and a DAC connected to my amplifier (Raumfeld streamer to Musical Fidelity DAC and also Musical Fidelity Amp). I also have an all-in-one system for my summer house (Naim Muso Qb). So, I know the basics and I am only interested in streaming from Tidal.

What I struggle to understand is, what the streamer does apart from transporting the digital signal and therefore why it could make sense to invest in an expensive streamer.

I understand what Digital to Analogue Conversion does and that it makes sense to ensure a good quality, but isn't the streamer just a transporter of data? Does the streamer do anything to the data that Tidal delivers apart from receiving them and sending them to the DAC? 

Thanks in advance, Michael 

Showing 1 response by mahler123

I agree with the OP.  Any computer can do what a streamer does.
The advantages of streamers are basically 3 fold.  First they eliminate the noise that a computer, which has many functions to do besides transmitting musical data to a DAC, will introduce.  Secondly, they tend to have software bundled in that provide easy access to what Music consumers want—Internet Radio, Organizing the Music with a software interface, and others.  Finally, they look like Audio components, not a computer added to a system.
  How much is all of the above worth?  As always, ymmv.  However, when I see 5 figure streamers sold, I can only shake my head