Does a DAC need a large/strong power supply?

I see these inexpensive DACs on ASR that get great reviews, but people say they're not that good because of a weak power supply. Is this mostly true? Does a DAC sound better with an overkill power supply?


Showing 3 responses by sns

Charles has the answer, experience the difference for yourself. I'd suggest the dacs with lesser power supplies may resolve very well, lack in substantive, analog like sound qualities. This has been my experience and others based on subjective reviews I've observed.


My only direct experience was Perpetual Technologies digital setup from many years ago, Between Modwright and my own mods, this was Frankenstein setup, nearly every part changed over the years, lots of power supply mods as well. PS mods were important, better filtering and  greater supply resulted in higher resolving, more natural sound quality, greater micro/macro dynamics.

I assumed we were talking about long term comparisons in one's own system. Quick A/B comparison in audio showrooms won't tell much. Don't want to go in depth on this, but I recall doing the quick A/B comparisons back in the day. Nearly every audio showroom had multiple components on display, all connected to switch board. Salesmen would do the old switcheroo on you, these guys were real magicians in fooling you into preferring most expensive components. This was good learning experience for a couple of budding audiophiles. Ever since then proponents of blind testing regime have caused a chuckle.