Does a CD Transport need to be HDCD ALSO?

I have a 1992 Krell MD10. I am in the process of buying a Mark Levinson 36s DAC with HDCD. Does the transport have anything to do with being able to play HDCD or is it all done with the DAC?

Thanks in advance.
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Showing 1 response by rockvirgo

It's all done with the DAC by employing a special decoder chip/filter. Pacific Microsonics makes one if not all of them. When HDCD's first came out the contract for HDCD playback required the DAC/CD player designer to attenuate the gain on normal CD's. It may still. This guarantees that HDCD's played on HDCD enabled units will always sound louder than normal ones. It's quite a gimmick.

My Theta Data Basic II transport sometimes has trouble initializing HDCD's on the first try, but always gets it on the second. If there's such a thing as a HDCD transport I've never run across one.