Do your ears deceive you?

If you think cables, interconnects or other wiring make a difference, yes they do. This is a long article so I won't post it here but will a link describing how blind testing results in correct guessing that is no more accurate than random chance. Enjoy.


Blind testing

Post removed 

Ted Denney, a high school dropout with no technical training is "Quantum Tunneling" his products, and I am the flat-earther.

                                    Thomas Edison's education:

       HOWEVER: he had a plethora of Scientists and Inventors (ie: Nikola Tesla, for a time) in the employ*, at Menlo Park.

          *means: WORKING FOR A COMPANY, for the more obtuse reader.

       Ted Denney owns a COMPANY, that manufactures some excellent and efficacious products.  He's been offering an unconditional, money-back trial period, to purchasers, since the 1980s (don't like it = don't buy it), that makes one's listening experiment (as previously mentioned), fairly painless.

                                    Quantum Tunneling:,physical%20phenomena%20including%20radioactive%20decay.

                          An example application of the principle:


                             Like I said, earlier in the thread:

        At the very first mention of something as simple as Wave Function (a BASIC tenet of Quantum Mechanics), the Cargo Cult will label you a KOOK.

        But remember: they can only view/understand you, based on their limited experience, education and BIASES.

      OH WELL: let the primitives (ie: the vapid/Undynamic Duo above) go build a another runway!

                                        Happy listening! 

Thanks, roadcykler for reapproaching such a topic in this Forum...


Having retired yesterday at age 78 (not great with money, enough but not large ~~)  I'm going to up the ante a little and address tweaks, upgrades and general betterment over a journey of 55+ years, attempting to stay focused and trim. 

Growing up around tons of live music, more in a role of designated listener, I became hypercritical early on when non-musical sounds were introduced to my systems, such as surface noise and early gear distortions.  My passion for great sound has NEVER waned and a restricted budget has forced lots of experimentation over the years. 

Converting to digital in the mid-90's once it struck my emotions, the focus became better wire, isolation of the gear, both internally and externally.  Tube buffers, and or, tube gear in tandem with digital playback were mandatory distortions for my flavor preferences. 

I had befriended a fellow with a niche hi-end store in Lewiston, Maine, who was pushing the envelope with modifications of gear, wire experiments and extreme isolation of gear, including Marigo Lab products.  This is dated yet no less of value today:  The Audiophile Voice | MARIGO AUDIO LAB

I suspect the expectations can be wildly different for us in improving our systems.  And, yes, there is often a "honeymoon period" of excitement that can fade over time, causing us to lose confidence in taking risks.  In my case, yes, there were mistakes made.  However, my great passion found a fix and the process of bettering my systems has never waned.  

Here, I want to repeat that there was not a lot of money.  A $2,300 active solid-state preamp in the mid-1980's was my largest investment.  There is little I would not try in improving my sound.  Tonality... sounds = real ...has always been primary, followed closely by all the audiophile stuff...full range full body impact in 2 channel audio. 

Back to expectations.  I have a friend who grew up with his dad's uber Infinity RS loudspeaker system.  He cares, has a capable vinyl-based system, is happy with early Blue Jeans cables, well made and do the job.  He simply is not interested in what he considers "minor improvements."  I suspect there are many gradations of this type of preference.  In my case, I never want to be "finished," always pressing forward as knowledge and budget allows.  

Room tuning and the u-BACCH Plug-in crosstalk cancellation have been huge gains in the last couple of years in a tough cube of a studio.  The benefits of professionally applied DSP vastly outweigh any negatives in my experience.  My recommend to those with similar passion is to be bold, self-forgiving and experiment.  As I told a longtime friend this morning who is struggling with a download issue, " IS worth the struggle...but never fun to HAVE to muck through it."  ONWARDS!

More Peace         Pin           (bold print for old eyes)


My opinion, from my experience, everything in the signal path from the preamp connectors to the speaker wire make a significant difference. From my experience the 100% oxygen-free copper connectors give better overall bandwidth in sound. Most notably transparency, detail, bass clairiy punch, low end. I chose " The worlds best cables" because the reviews were good, and I could afford them. I used interex 10 gage OFC on speakers. Works for me. The Worlds best cables made a significant difference from $20 inter-connects. . Most likely, installing a $1000 or more in interconnects or speaker cables would not be worth it on a $3000 integrated or separate PA Pre amp. ( to each his own) I think in a high end system that brings out every detail, it would. Thats what the big bucks are for. I am sure there would be a difference, but I doubt $1000 worth in sound on a cheaper mid fi wont be worth it. The WBC cables made my system brighter, I had to turn down the mid and tweeter! If your system does not have adjustable mids and highs, you might end up with too bright of a result and not be happy with it. When I visited my local brick and mortar, the owner first asked if my speakers were bright in mids and highs. I am older and need that. He suggested a Hegel or Primaluna system because they are work well with crisp, bright speaker components. So changing cables on an already bright electronics and speakers might not work if the cables enhance that. If I was going to drop a bunch of cash on cables with a high end system, I suggest talking to a pro at a brick and mortar business that carries your system because they will be able to guide you right, and, probably let you try a few different ones. They can be a real benefit figuring things out. What you like in sound is whats important and they can help you get the best sound you can afford.