Do you use tube dampers on the super tube?

Just got my first 6H30 based preamp. Was wondering if using tube dampers on the supertube makes sense.

I've used Herbie's Hal-O 9 tube dampers in my previous tube preamps, which were all 6922 based. And with the Herbies in place, I did notice results such as a bit of a cleared up soundstage and a touch more precision in image placement. Not at all night and day difference with the dampers, but that's what I noticed...or at least thought I did.

Anyway, so do you use the dampers on 6H30 tubes or not?
If you do, what are the effects of the dampers on the sound of the H30 tubes.

I do know that Herbie's Audio Labs offers money back. I can try them and it will cost me just the shipping if I don't notice any positive effect with the dampers. This isn't the issue. I'm interested in what you have noticed with the dampers...or not

Thanks for the thoughts.

Showing 1 response by audphile1

preamp in subject is BAT 51SE. I just got it.

Herbie's have new type of tube dampers now. They are quiet different from the Hal-O I used before, called Ultrasonic9. There are 8 tubes in this preamp, so these things will run me about $120 including shipping.
I guess I'll try them at some point later, as I am still getting used to the different sound I have now. Just want to get more familiar with this preamp first to get better idea what the dampers do.

Thanks all who answered.