Do you understand your amplifier?

I see a lot of people talking about the sound of their amplifier. Simply out of curiousity I would love to know how many audiophiles actually understand why their amplifiers sound a specific way. Simply put, how many Audiophiles understand the circuitry of their amplifiers. There is no right or wrong answer. I am just curious.

Showing 2 responses by timlub

In General, my answer is yes to solid state. I've built a couple kits, and have modified 2. I understand the diffence between Class A A/B D, different output transistors, power transformers supply caps, yada yada.
I can read the basics of a schematic but I cannot sit down and draw out anything detailed in a circuit design or completely understand detailed schematics. So, in detail my answer is no.
In tubes, I have rolled a few tubes. Call me Schultz there
I Know Nothing!
Hi Cathode, Normally I would completely agree with you, but last weekend, my electrical engineer neighbor asked me how to tell which breaker was bad in his box. I tried to loan him a meter and finally went to his house and showed him. You never know.