Do you trust your system?

I was constantly upgrading gear, demoing songs, reading reviews, trying to find out why I had the feeling that the song I was playing shouldn’t sound the way it does. Something off or lacking, I luckily found a set of equipment and a room setup that if a song is off, it’s likely recorded that way. I trust my system to do a decent job.  I wonder do others get to a point where they are more critical of mastering techniques than something wrong with their equipment? Admittedly, it’s easier to say how a piece of gear or cable made some significant difference, but in what exactly since the music sources are so wildly manipulated by engineers?


Showing 1 response by mcroth

I will always enjoy reading about all the different  versions of the same album mastered by different companies and individuals. I'll pick up the best version in the majority of the people's opinion and compare with what I already have and also with Qobuz and Tidal. Pretty cool when you start to hear the difference  and confirm with what others are saying. If you can  spot the differences  and agree with the majority of folks I believe you and your system are in the ballpark.