Do you remember when Audiogon was just a bulletin board classified ad site?

I wonder if anyone else remembers Audiogon from 15+ years ago. I remember visiting the site daily scrolling through all the listings. Back then posting was free and you had an endless number of ads.  It had as many used audio listings as Ebay. I can remember buying a Paradigm CC-200 and also a pair of Paradigm ADP-150's  back around 1999. Those were my first two purchases. How about you?

Showing 3 responses by jmcgrogan2

@dweller , I think the publication prior to Audiogon was called Audiomart.
There is a website called USAudiomart and Canuck Audiomart where the advertising is still free.

@mofimadness , your info says you've been here since  Dec 09, 2009.
I know, it's wrong, mine is screwed up too. ;^)

Love these old war stories. Yes, I subscribed to the old Audio Mart circular too, and recall waiting for it with bated breath.
It came every two weeks, right?

Also, remember when there were for sale ads in the back of Stereophile, Audio, and other magazines? I recall placing some ads in those circulars myself.

I remember in the mid 80's stumbling on some little ad in the back of Audio magazine for a company called Reel to Real Designs. Talking with a budding manufacturer named Bill Duddleston, and his father, on the phone several times, and Bill mailing me out a huge packet of literature. The literature was the first time I was hearing names like Vandersteen, Apogee, etc., and for me, began the transition from midfi to hifi. At the time Bill was building speakers out of his garage, and I was running a pair of Altec Lansing 9's with a gulp, Denon receiver.

Bill has sinced changed his companies name to Legacy Audio, and gone on to have some pretty big success. No more tiny 2-3 line ads in the back of audio journals, full page ads now in the glossy rags.

Those were the days.........

Didn't twl (Tom) leave to start or join an audio company.
Was it Starsound Technologies?