Do you rember your first?

I went over to Peter Edward's house, after school one day. He puts on a record by Simon and Garfunkel, called Sounds of Silence. Anybody ever hear of them,? Anyway, he puts, the song I am a Rock on and I'm blown away at what I'm hearing from his dad's Fisher reciever, Empire turntable(that was state of the art, at the time) and AR 3a Speakers. The bass was freaking me out. He played more and more and then let me groove with his dad's headphones. Whoa! This was big time for this 9th grader. I was hooked. After saving, and saving, (my parents didn't have the money, although, I believe they helped me a little) I bought my first hi end system. You've got to remember, this was a time I was listening to a Victrola, and my Mom's Zeneith reined supreme. I purchased a Lafayette receiver, Garrad turntable and the AR 4xs. I bought the Simon and Garfunkel album that Pete played for me, and I was in heaven. The rest is history. Thanks Pete.

Showing 2 responses by bldrstairc424

My first system was a marantz 1060 preamp with a marantz
model 110 tuner and a pair of corral speakers. I was living
in Fraser Co. at the time.
In 1969 I took 2 friends and we built an A frame house
on some property our family had. It was 2&1/2 years before
I got electricity, in that time I had a lear jet 8 track
that I powered with a car battery. I allways new when it needed to be recharged because the music would get slower and slower.
When I finally got power,The very next day I went down to denver and bought the marantz system. My hair was long , wearing cowboy boots,and
a leather cowboy hat. The salesman put on the Birds song
I'm going to catch that horse if I can ( chestnut Mare?)
The sale took less then 5 minutes.
Igot back into my 56 willy's pickup, didn't even stop for lunch, drove home and hooked it up.
IT WAS AWESOME , next to marrying my wife, it was the happiest day of my life