Do you play any...?

My devotion to music developed early and I started playing accordion at around 6...7. I then was studying in the school of music, but wasn't able to obtain higher musical education and eventually became a software engineer for the past 33 years.

My interests pretty much established towards an artistic and sophisticated music that I can listen with pleasure via equipment of my choice.

I'm sure many of us here had something to do with musical training or education here on this site, but are there any that have no idea how to play any instrument? 


Showing 3 responses by edcyn

Somewhere on this website there's a well-posted thread on this subject. Some admit to having little or no history or expertise on a musical instrument. Some have lots. The trouble is, the thread's title doesn't give much of a clue about all those posts. Now...if I only had the mental skills to find it...

I guess this is now the authorized "What Musical Instrument(s) Do You Play" thread.

Here goes --

Steel string acoustic guitar. Definitely the instrument where I got chops. I have several axes. All good quality. I'm a finger-picking fool... A pretty fair Bluegrass flat picker, as well.

Electric guitar. Fifteen years ago I'd be screaming out Clapton licks. I also did my share of boing-de-boing Rockabilly and angry Punk Rock down-stroking..

Violin/Fiddle. Three of them. I work like crazy on the beasts. Am I beginning to get good? Some say yes. Some say no.

Piano. A lovely old Mason-Hamlin upright in a room off the garage. I was a pretty good rock/jazz/classical player until the fiddle entered my universe and led me astray.


I haven't played a gig in years.  At the very most, I sit on the porch and serenade the neighbors walking their dogs. And oh yeah, I also play an Old Time open-back banjo.