Do you like Mexican music??

I just scored this on Ebay.  Only two bucks plus shipping:

This replaces a  noisy copy I have. 

If you like soulful Mexican music with some really great guitar playing, pick one up for yourself. Great sound. Great music. Great singing. Great guitar playing. 

Happy listening. 

Showing 1 response by martykl

There's lots of great Mexican music.  There's also lots of not so great Mexican music.  Much like most places, Mexico has a rich tradition of music, not all of which is for every taste.  Hey, I dig mariachi music (and yes, I'm aware that some claim that it's derived from a French tradition), but I don't expect everyone here to share that preference.

As to Los Lobos being "not completely Mexican", .....well I understand the poster's intention, even if it's an odd idea.  The truth is that Los Lobos plays many different kinds of music, some of which is not remotely Mexican and some of which is "completely Mexican".  And both sides of the band are usually terrific.  IMO.