Do you indulge when listening to your rig?

I was curious how many audiophiles have a glass of wine or beer when listening to their system. I myself on occasions have done this with excellent results, although it's not a habit. If you were going to have a serious listening session would you, or would not have a drink. Thanks for viewing this thread!

Showing 13 responses by wolf_garcia

I owned a Grammer guitar for 40 years or something...just like Slim Witman! Also, I've never plugged a guitar amp into the ACE515...too much work schlepping an amp from the studio area into the hifi room. And my current fave guitar amp was made in Kentucky.
Listening to my hifi is in itself pretty much the most self indulgent thing I do (the motorcycle is similar). It is NOT a social device unless you have audio geek friends who will sit quietly listening, and that's just awkward and has them all wrestling for the "sweet spot" leading to fist fights and carpet stains. I have a drinking problem in that I have trouble deciding what to drink...this is true...I need to join a drinking club or something (mentioned this to my doctor and he was not amused). I worked in bars far too long and enjoy (or am bored with) so many different items I get stuck...a current fave is a Bloody Maria using 100% agave tequila infused with habanero peppers. Good whisky, craft beers...blah blah. Note to Elizabeth: eating pot gets the mojo to your brain in an entirely different way than smoking...I can't remember the exact science but it amplifies the THC dramatically, although it's still non toxic by definition unlike nearly anything else you can imbibe.
Extreme moderation is excessive, and bad for you (I think, although I've never done in moderation personally I've known people who live that way...sad...*sniff*...). Opium is also great for listening to music, but opium for smoking has been hard to get since about 1915, and is NOT non toxic. So forget I even mentioned it...please...sorry...damn...where did I put that glass of Wild Turkey? Around here somewhere...
Based on what I hear from the "kids these days", "E" and "Molly" are more for jumping around like a maniac for hours to thumpy music performed by an overpaid kid with a computer, not necessarily "active listening" (my new favorite audio geek term). Very few people die from smoking a little pot and sitting on my couch, although stranger things have happened.
I'm a habitual ice cruncher so beverages "on the rocks" like Wild Turkey (my favorite foul based beverage) cause me to crunch away while listening, thus messing up the experience. I still think a non toxic sense enhancer like decent pot works better for me, although if I'm listening to heavy classical and the pot is too strong I do get scared and wonder if I'm gonna die soon, or why the world is so sad, or where I put those there's that.
Why admire not drinking or smoking? According to a survey, people who drink and smoke are cooler and more interesting than people who don't, and I should know because I did the survey...
There was an Onion headline that said "kids who smoke found to actually be cooler" or something like that.
My most meaningful and intense hifi "drug" is the warm blanket of self satisfaction that envelops me when I listen to my rig and bask in the knowledge that I assembled it all by myself and since it is SO good, I must also be good. This by itself feels amazing, although it is highly addictive and might not be for everybody.
Well...I'm not ACTUALLY good but my rig makes me THINK I am, and that's good enough for me!
Phd...wrongo bongo...pot, interestingly, has never killed anybody (maybe somebody with a weird allergy, or they died while laughing...but still). It may be the only actually non-toxic (by clinical definition) thing you ever do.