Do you indulge when listening to your rig?

I was curious how many audiophiles have a glass of wine or beer when listening to their system. I myself on occasions have done this with excellent results, although it's not a habit. If you were going to have a serious listening session would you, or would not have a drink. Thanks for viewing this thread!

Showing 5 responses by mapman

"... although stranger things have happened..."

Gotta tell us about these someday!! A'gon ratings/site hit rates should go through the roof! :^)
I am very "health concious" I would say, but I enjoy a beer or wine once or twice a week maybe to help relax while listening. Not so much if done too frequently.

Some say drinking certain things regularly but in moderation is actually a healthy thing to do these days. I'll buy that.

Indulging in chemical tweaks should not be a requirement to enjoy anything including listening though its a very easy trap to fall into. Lots of sugar, junk calories and other things in there that are not good for your body in large amounts. I try to find a healthy balance somewhere as best I can.
"A red wine or two (three) is a healthy thing IMO"

I suspect so. At least I hope so and its not just a bone being thrown aging baby boomers like me to make us feel better. Some experimentation may be called for. I'll let you know....:^)