Do you have a "Music" Friend?

I don't mean a friend who you B.S. about audio equipment with, but someone that will sit down and do some 'serious' listening with you. You and they pick an artist or specific album or two (varied genres even), and just sit and listen. Basically someone who knows when to just shut up and just listen to the music? I've had a few friends like that in the past, but not one of my current friends know how to just sit and listen for even 20 minutes. It's always background music or just one favorite  song they like. My wife for instance lasts about 1 song before bringing up something she saw at HomeGoods. Is this a lost concept or am I just not hanging out with the right people? 


Showing 2 responses by cymbop

Good thread.  I count myself lucky to have a small handful of friends who will come over and sit and listen.  A couple are live-music buddies who are also content to enjoy the hi-fi, and a couple are stereo nerds here in town. 

We've all been sending texts about our vaccination progress and dreaming about the return of listening sessions within the next month or two.  @zephyr24069 I am looking in your general direction.  :-)
Now that we're all vaxxed and waxed, had a great session over here with Mr. @zephyr24069 last week.  So good to be able to share some listening with a fellow sound.  We all spend so much time listening in solitude, it's refreshing to share your enjoyment of the thing you love so much.