Yep. In the same boat as you. I don't have a symetrical set up, and I neeed either a balance control or a dual mono preamp to get the sound right. I realise it is not the purest of set ups, but it is what I need to get it right for me. I tried a dual mono preamp, but I personally just didn't like always adjusting both controls everytime I listened. With a balance control I can set it and pretty much leave it.
Do you ever use the balance on your pre amp?
I haven't had a balance control in ages. Since I moved (1.5years ago) my new crib has posed some major changes. Anyway, I found that the vocals on just about every recording were slightly off center, but enough to bug me. I new it was because of the set-up of my speakers in relation to the side walls. One speaker being near a side wall and one having no side wall. Anyway, my new pre amp has a balance control that I never thought to even look for. I know it's crazy. Anyway, today I'm listening to my tunes and after discovering the balance I centered my vocals. Not only is the centered vocal oh so palpable and visceral, but the entire soundscape. Whattayaknow...Any of you guys relate to my experience. Pre alzheimmers experience, as