Do you ever just listen to music

Do you ever just listen to music without critiquing your system? On Thanksgiving I listened to music for 12 straight hours without one critique. It was the most fun I have had with my system in years. I put on some of the worst recordings I have a long with the best recording and they were all enjoyable to listen to. All in all it was a fun day.

Showing 3 responses by nonoise

All I ever listen for is enjoyment. Some times there's a modicum of pride as I revel in what I've assembled. I've stopped critiquing a long time ago.

All the best,
Granted, it took all of us some time to settle on our 'final' system but the OP simply asked if we were in the same boat as him: enjoying our systems.

The allusion you refer too didn't seem that implicit (at all) to me but I get what YOU mean. I was tempted to add that a fuse and cabling change brought things up measurably but I was just messing around and thought I didn't need to change things at all, so it was not worth mentioning.

All the best,
No problem. I was just splitting hairs semantically but agree with what you say.
I should wait and think before posting. :-)

All the best,