Do you consider cables to be a "component" of your system?

Meaning, do you think that cabling (AC/InterConnects/SpeakerWire) should be considered a component that is integral to your system?

I have probably as much money in cabling and fuses as I do in most of my components (if not more).

Please, please, PLEASE don't tell me that cables don't make a difference. I disagree and there's nothing you can say or do that will change my mind, so save it for another thread, please.

I just wondered if you had to recommend a set up to someone (who wanted a nice stereo), would you consider cabling to be essential in your build price and your recommendations? If so, would you consider the cost of the cables to be on par with the cost of a component?




Showing 2 responses by norco74

I consider them as "accessories" . I have been making my own AC cords and interconnects for years now with great results. There’s some good DIY recipes out there that will cost you a fraction of a commercial available cable but still, it is not as cheap as one would think. I have also tried a few cables from famous cable brands with mixed results.

Cables can of course help to bring out the best of your components but they will never be a better solution than a component replacement. One lesson learned is to let a new cable burn-in long enough (>100 h or more) so you can really judge its effect on your system. What your hear on day 1 of using a new cable in your system will be very different after a few hundreds hours of usage. As someone pointed out, ROI on cables is a diminishing affair so there’s an equilibrium one must think about before spending too much on this adventure.

@Mitch2 and I seem to share some common experiences and hobby. I am quite done for the moment with DIY cables and interconnect as I think I have maxed out  what could possibly be improved on the Helix DIY design vs the available core wire material vs ROI.