Do you all agree when Prince said the 60s, 70s and 80s were the golden ages of music?

So I came across this interview today and it dates back to 2011. Prince felt the 60s-80s were the golden ages of music when artists played their instruments, wrote their own songs and actually had to perform (those were his reasons).

I posted it and if you watch from 7:40 you’ll see what I mean.

What do you all think?

Showing 1 response by sparksgja

Music is not about Golden Ages but emotional involvement. Like other senses, like taste and smell, listening transports you back to memories, places, friends, loved ones and lots more. Music is also other experiences like the intensity of a great classical adagio or jazz improvisation the sheer melodic beauty of an artists voice. Someone mentioned they could argue now is the Golden Age. I can go with that as today unlike the 60s to 80s we can pursue our musical tastes and preferences so easily and discover many hidden treasures and riches.